I used to really dislike avocado. I thought it tasted like soap. My friends all loved avocado and consequently guacamole was a fixture on most of their tables.
However, obviously I eventually came to my senses. Kush convinced me one night to try some of her guac, made the same way as her Ma, Clara, makes it. It was amazing. Buttery, a little bit sweet, a little bit tangy. I don't know whether this is typical of Argentina (where they're from) or whether Clara just woke up one day and decided to try something a bit different, but it's good. Thanks Clara and Kush!!
Mash up the flesh of an avocado. Pour in a slosh of balsamic vinegar, mix in. Add a little salt and pepper. Taste it - you may need to add more balsamic (if it's too buttery-rich), or even a little raw sugar. It's a real personal taste thing, so just keep tasting it, until it's the way you want it. The balsamic makes it so good. Muy muy gustoso!!
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